The Flight Strip Tool - IVAO is a seperate addon tool for IVAO -
controller especially for center and approach/departure areas.
The aim is supporting the IVAO - controller on his duty, foremost on high
traffic volume e.g. online day.
Due to many useful features the controller gets a better overview of his
controlling area. So he is able to work more efficient.
A new feature is the automatic stirpupdate. All tools are able to com-
municate each other and to update the necessary information of the
flight strips. So it is provided, that everyone who
runs Easy Clearance 3 or Flight Strip Tool - IVAO gets the same
information on the stirps. This feature is very useful e.g. for tower,
ground, approach and center controller.
The controller gets the data which the tower controller did put onto the
strip (squawkcode, initial climb, runway, SID, Notes).
So it is easier to work and the degree of realism improves a lot.